Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Esoteric Qualities

The ability to work well with others is what sets Carmen above individuals like Sarah Ragsdale and Lauren Obrien (and according to some even Eli). Carmen doesn't piss people off, turn people off, or annoy people. Therefore, it will be easier for her to develop working relationships with a broad range of people -- with respect to personality.

This is something Eli is going to have to struggle with. Some people love the guy, some people think he's fake. That isn't going to work well for him and it is probably his biggest weakness, and it is a weakness Carmen doesn't have.

As for Justin Shane and Ian McMenemy. Shane doesn't talk so who knows, but he hasn't been impressive to date. And Ian, well, he seems not the brightest.

1 comment:

Go Pack said...

Just take a look at the debates last Friday and it's easy to see Eli is clearly hard to work with. How about some respect for his fellow candidates? Don't you think his "stereotype" is fitting to his personality?

The students need a leader who will listen with an open mind and welcomes new ideas. Eli will push his own goals and points of views. It's too bad he'll forget about the other 12,000 or so undergraduate students.