Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gilbert v Reilly (Communication)

We haven't done a whole lot on this blog about what people should watch out for in a Carmen Gilbert presidency and we've done quite a bit of analysis on why Eli wouldn't be quite as good as Carmen. There will be a series of pieces attempting to compare the two level by level, issue by issue. We start with communication.

The biggest discussion of these two has surrounded communication and leadership styles. Some praise has fallen on Carmen and a lot of criticism has befallen Eli. This isn't without cause. Carmen, while a less aggressive than Eli, has shown herself to be a confidant, powerful speaker in the past month. At the same time Eli hasn't tempered his forceful communication style. An important question is this: which style is going to be best for president?

The answer isn’t clear. Eli made an interesting comment in the primary debate. He stated that he knows he has a particular style, but those that don’t have a problem with work very well with him. He furthered it by saying that when he gets along with those he’s working with, eh does really great things. And his experience and accomplishments tend to back this statement up.

At first this appears to be a “duh, really” statement, but let’s take it a little deeper. Is Eli saying he isn’t going to change his style and plans on surrounding himself with only people who get along with him? Or, is he saying that he understands there is an issue and plans to work on it but he also knows why he is succeeding and plans to exploit it.

The statement is a little ambiguous, but I would lean towards the second option. Having witnessed Eli during most of his experience in ASUN and RHA I’ve seen him grow and mature. He hates failing and is going to do what he needs to do to succeed. He is smart enough to know he needs people with diverse ideas around him to change the way things are done. That doesn’t mean it won’t be hard to get people who think he is “fake” or a “frat boy” to work for him, but if he can bring people together, he has shown a propensity to do very well.

Carmen is hands down, perceived to be a better communicator than Eli. People naturally like her, but at the same time, does she have the force of will to stand up to Sandy and Shannon Ellis? I don’t have an answer because I haven’t seen her in that context. I have worked with her in the past and was never incredibly impressed with her volume and command of a group. But she could have changed, and many suggest her composure during campaigning is indicative of that.

Eli versus Carmen. She is liked by almost all but is sometimes quiet and doesn’t have the experience Eli does with dealing with administration. Eli is liked by some and disliked by some but has proven himself able and willing to stand up to Sandy and Shannon, among others. He says what is on his mind and fights for it. This isn’t as black and white of an issue as many have suggested. There is a real choice to make in communication styles. You lose and gain very valuable things with both of the candidates.


Anonymous said...

It really is a shame that these two couldn't run together on a ticket; you said it yourself, either way the ASUN will be losing a valuable commodity.

In my mind, a perfect world would be one where Carmen could take the ambiguity of the VP position and mold it into something new and responsive, and Eli as President could keep working with Administration, while keeping the Senate and the students in mind.

These two together encompass every large aspect of student life on this campus, in my opinion.

Carmen: If you lose, please put in for Clubs and Orgs. Eli, if you lose please reapply for Programming. You're both great.

Anonymous said...

spell check