Thursday, March 6, 2008


Matt Fries-15
Carmen Gilbert- 580
Adam Hunt-101
Eli Reilly-517
Justin Shane-206

Vice President
Michael Cabrera-395
Gabriel Matute-376
Ian McMenemy-295
Jeremiah Todd-330

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Official Results (pdf).

Results Reported by The Nevada Sagebrush.

Anybody notice a problem? I'll give you a hint: complicated math (addition).

All the numbers match up, except for one slight thing.

Sagebrush Total Ballots: 1430/1428
MailStop 58 Total Ballots: matches*
Official Total Ballots: 1384
Total votes vanished: 46/44

*MailStop didn't report undervotes (no votes); otherwise, the numbers match.

That's enough votes to sway the Veep race, and at the very least it certainly calls into question the accuracy of the count.

The good news is the ballots are on paper (no touch screen snafus or hanging chads) and haven't yet been destroyed (hopefully). The bad news: Nevada students can't add...or count...or think.